New address in Merelbeke

SBS offices Merelbeke

We have moved from Kruisem to Merelbeke. At the end of October, the entire Smart Building Solutions Team moved into a completely renovated office complex on the grounds of the ATS headquarters.

Thanks to the new location, we enjoy a more central location as an HVAC system integrator. The new offices have been designed with a focus on smart buildings and a comfortable working environment, entirely in line with the activities of our division.

The Digital Solutions Team also moved into the new offices. This means that specific solutions for intelligent buildings can immediately be tested against reality.

You can now find us at the following address: Karel De Roosestraat 15, 9820 Merelbeke. All other contact details remain unchanged: T +32 9 210 04 11,

Ready for your smart building?

Contact us for an informal talk.